Coaching Review

It is important throughout your coaching process to revisit and assess the goals and habit changes you set at the start. These can be found under ‘Coaching’ in the app.

This is not only to refresh your memory and keep you on track, but also to monitor your progress. Additionally it is an opportunity to make any changes and give feedback on the coaching process. All feedback, good or bad, is gratefully received and will only help improve the service.

The questions below cover the five elements of the coaching programme:

The Five Facets

Mind Set





When answering, consider your effort, consistency, the progress you have made, if you require more knowledge, time management, etc.

Please take some time to reflect on your progress to help you answer and grade your score.

  • 1 on the scale is rated as low performance and 10 as best performance

  • The coaching process

  • Please use the space below to write any comments you have about the coaching process. Please consider time scales, the effectiveness of the programme plus anything you would like to do more or less of.

    Your feedback, good or bad, is greatly received.