

Please complete the following questionnaire so an action plan can be designed for you including mile stones and habit changes all to ensure your goals are met. Your goals will be revisited frequently to make sure progress is being made and that you are on track

  • Goals

  • What are your three main goals for undertaking this coaching programme?

  • Please write below if you have any other goals or things you want to achieve

  • If one of your goals is weight or body fat% loss and you haven't already stated a specific target date, please do so below.

  • Habits

  • Please list up to three habits that you think you'll have to work on most to achieve your goals?

  • Future Aims

  • Taking into consideration your goals and the habits you want to change, please now answer the following time scale questions.

  • If there is anything else you would like to write that you think might help with the design of your programme please do so in the box below.

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