This part of the questionnaire is to for you to describe what you would like to achieve from your training programme along with your motivations and goals over the next 12 months.
If you do not follow a structured training programme please scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Next'.
Warm up
Main Workout Structure
Part of this service is to make sure goals are being met and progress is continuing. Coaching calls are necessary for your progress as you will be assigned tasks weekly or every other week which you will be accountable for. These tasks will vary depending on your understanding of nutrition and any other life style changes that need to be met to achieve your goals.
Monitoring your body composition (the amount of fat your body is storing and your muscle mass) is essential information I must obtain from you weekly to ensure that the programme is working in conjunction with your diet and work/life balance. Having an ideal weight that you'd like to be is a great place to start but it is not the full story. Muscle is heavier than fat and with this programme your muscles will become denser and/or bigger. A denser muscle, think of a sponge saturated with water but the same size, requires more fuel at work, rest and play. Meaning that as you progress the scales may not change considerably but your body composition will in terms of less body fat with heavier muscles. This is very important to understand because it can be frustrating to see your body weight not change much even though clothes are looser, you are stronger and feel much fitter. Body composition can be monitored by one of two ways while using your training programme: 1. I take your measurements by using Harpenden skin folds (10 site test) 2. You purchase your own scales. Scales cost between £30 and £150. I use myzone scales and I also have an account with them. If you purchase these they work with my training programme app so you will not have to add in your information as this will be done automatically.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. I will go through your information and email you should I need any more information. Should you have any further questions please email me at
Boxing, Bars & Bells ©2014-2021 Registered in England No. 08936456